You have to either run yourself for President or use your influence to quickly help a write in candidate be thrust to the limelight that has all our core beliefs and a plan for quickly taking back the government. The Mantle is on your shoulders.
Here is your running platform that will beat everyone campaigning because it goes to the core of what both Republicans and many democrats want to see:
The War: "The War on Terror is not the issue. No Americans has a problem with war. Every week we watch men killing themselves on the football field to win and we love it. The problem we have as Americans is losing and our boys being killed. If we resolve these too issues everyone will be happy. And these we can resolve without stopping the war.
The Borders: We need to stop the illegal immigration, period. But the problem with the immigration is those who would come over here for jobs do so because there is nothing to keep them home and their are American Companies desperate for labor they can afford. These 2 issues are easily resolved:
One, Other than just closing the borders, which is only a start we need to quit sending our money to
Two, American companies are desperate for labor they can afford has everything to do with our trade policies. We have created trade policies that favor foreign workers over American workers. Therefore, any CEO worth his salt, trying to increase a companies income, is going to try to get labor outside
Personal Freedom and the Pursuit of Happiness: We do not possess the personal freedom the founding Fathers once envisioned. It has long gone by the wayside. Imagine if you are poor, but you could own a piece of land outright. You go out and buy it. You pay cash. And from that time forward, you and your sons and daughters could live on the land and no one could take it from you. If you only made a couple of thousand a month you could still survive. That means a person with a $12 dollar an hour could afford to live. Or even if you decided to not work, but fish all day and live on your catch, just camping out on your property, totally out of t he system, you could.
But that is not the way it is today. Real Estate taxes must be paid on you property every year. Therefore, you can never really own it. The cost of property taxes in areas having jobs are so high that a family of four must have an income of $50,000 to just stay ahead of the tax man. I believe that if we find a way around property taxes, you will once again see American personal freedom and the pursuit of happiness thrive. If those taxes that are now attached to property are instead attached to income then we would be better off. The more income you have the more and the better property you can afford, so it makes since.
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